Drip FM is a Youth focused radio station with the vision to encourage diversity, inspire inclusivity and socio-cultural development in Africa while transforming society through our shows and services. We are leveraging on internet technology and the innovative and creative ideas from young people to drive this vision.

The BiGGer & BeTTer Promise
X'perience More and Beyond Radio
Drip FM offers a great and engaging way to listen to radio and even go Beyond Radio with our carefully designed shows for your education and entertainment.

See the Numbers & Achievements.
Drip FM was officially operational from Monday, August 17, 2020 from 3 PM until Friday, September 25, 2020 at 5 PM. That equates to 39 days of operation. With no expertise and little information or comprehension of how things work, we were lighting and entertaining the late afternoons of a few family and friends and their friends.
Get Ready for More.